The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held
The next meeting of MSE Institute of Zoology was held on June 28, 2024. The leading researcher of Hydrobiology Laboratory of MSE RA Institute of Zoology, PhD in Biological sciences, Associate Professor Saleh Iltizam oglu Aliyev's dissertation work entitled "Macrozoobenthos of Azerbaijan rivers (species composition, amount, ecology, zoogeographical analysis and origin)" majoring in 2401.01- "Zoology" specialty was discussed. Note that the scientific supervisor of the dissertation work is Professor Ilham Khayyam oglu Alakbarov, corresponding member of ANAS, Dr. Biological sciences, Professor.
In conclusion, Saleh Iltizam oglu Aliyev's dissertation work entitiled "Macrozoobenthos of Azerbaijani rivers (species composition, amount, ecology, zoogeographical analysis and origin)" majoring in 2401.01- "Zoology" specialty was conisedered appropirate to the requirements set by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to receive the degree of Doctor of Sciences in Biology and submitted to the Dissertation Council.