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Institute of Zoology held a meeting dedicated to the Liberation Day

Institute of Zoology held a meeting dedicated to the Liberation Day on 13 June, 2024.

Opening the event, which began with the playing of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Director General of the Institute, Associate Professor, PhD in Agrarian sciences Aladdin Eyvazov introduced the agenda of the meeting to the participants. He stressed out that June 15 National Liberation Day is considered as the beginning of the liberation of Azerbaijan. The honorable rescue mission carried out by our National Leader in the past years unfolded before the eyes of our people and the whole world, Azerbaijan got rid of the danger of destruction and turned into a strong state. June 15 is a real liberation date for our people. The creator of this history is National Leader Heydar Aliyev, who plays an exceptional role in the preservation, strengthening and development of the independence of Azerbaijan, who always relies on his people and is his support. On June 15, Heydar Aliyev was elected the chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan. Despite the great risks, the Great Leader bravely undertook the mission of the salvation of the people.

Today, the celebration of the ideology of national liberation manifests itself in the continuous development of our independent republic, and Azerbaijan's reputation in the world is growing even more. The socio-economic and political development that took place in the country after the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev's return to power played a decisive role in strengthening our state, joining the process of close integration with the civilized world, and building a modern society that ensures the strategic interests of our people.

Later, YAP Yasamal district "504" district First Party Organization Chairman Hafiz Mukhtarov, Director of the Terrestrial Vertebrates Laboratory Tavakkul Isgandarov, a reseracher of the Parasitology Laboratory Narmin Asgarova delivered speeches on Liberation Day.

At the end of the event, a video dedicated to "Liberation Day" was shown.