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Employees of the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates visited Shamakhi and Ismayilli regions on an expedition

The employees of the "Terresterial Vertebrates" laboratory of the MSE RA Institute of Zoology - a laboratory head, PhD in Biological sciences, Assoc. Prof. Tavakkul Iskandarov, a leading researcher, PhD in Biological sciences Gulbeniz Gasimova and a laboratory assistant Zivarkhanim Ibrahimli on "Evaluation of the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on amphibians (Amphibia) and reptilian (Reptilia) species common in the mountain and foothills of the Great Caucasus natural region of Azerbaijan" were on an expedition on 03.06 - 06.06.2024 in Shamakhi and Ismayilli districts to collect research materials. During the expedition, the changes in the biotopes of amphibians and reptiles were recorded on the banks of Demirchichay and Girdmanchay, where there were floods and overflow, and in the surrounding areas of the newly built highway in the direction of Shamakhi - Ismayilli (steppe slopes, arboerals, etc.).