1256 Archive


Next reports were listened at the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology

On October 19, 2023, the next meeting of the Scientific Council of the MSE Institute of Zoology was held. Acting Director of the institute, Assoc. Prof. Aladdin Eyvazov, who opened the meeting, informed the members of the council about the issues on the agenda.

Annual reports of the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates, Zoological Museum, Paleozoology Laboratory were listened at the meeting. Tavakkul Isgandarov, Acting Head of the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates, provided a detailed report on the scientific research conducted in the current year, their main results, published scientific works, and the number of references. Sabina Bunyatova, head of the Zoological Museum, and Konul Tapdigova, head of the Paleozoology Laboratory, informed on the work done by the departments in the current year.

Finally, discussions were held, proposals and relevant decisions were made.