Institute of Zoology hosted for a defense of the PhD dissertation
On June 3, 2022 at FD 1.09 Dissertation Council attached to the Institute of Zoology of ANAS, PhD dissertation of Guliyeva Sanuber Abdulla gyzy, a dissertator of “Hydrobiology” laboratory of the institute, on 2401.01 - “Zoology” specialty “Odonata larvae of species (species composition, quantity, biology, ecology)” was defended. The scientific leader of the research is Dr. Biology, Associate Professor Adil Aliyev, and the official opponents are Dr. Biology, Assoc. Prof. Giyas Guliyev, Dr. Biology, Assoc. Prof. Vafa Mammadova, and Ph.D. in Biology Gachay Ismayilov.
The event was opened by the Executive Director of the Institute of Zoology, Chairman of the Dissertation Council, Dr. Biology Elshad Ahmadov gave the floor to the applicant to report. S. Guliyeva said that the purpose of the dissertation is to study the species composition, quantity, characteristics of contact with the environment in the reservoirs, to assess the ecological situation in the lakes, etc. consists of preparing practical proposals on. She also noted that as a result of the study, the distribution, development and some ecological features of dragonfly larvae in lakes and ditches in the Kura basin are presented for the first time for these lakes.
At the end of the meeting, members of the Dissertation Council praised the research work highly, noting that the work meets the requirements of the dissertations put by Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.