1160 Archive


Employees of the Institute of Zoology conducted research on the herpetofauna of Nakhchivan AR

Herpetologists of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS - a leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Terresterial Vertebrates, Ph.D., Associate Professor T.M. Isgandarov, Ph.D. G.H. Gasimova and director of the Zoological Museum, Ph.D. S.N. Bunyatova was on an expedition in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic from 16.05 to 23.05 2022 to collect field research materials on rare and endangered species of amphibians and reptiles of Azerbaijan, as well as herpetofauna of higher mountainous areas.
Employees conducted research in Shahbuz and Julfa districts, during the expedition 19.05.22. together with the employees of the Nakhchivan Branch of ANAS, Institute of Natural Resources, collected research materials in the territory of “Khazinadere” (Arafsa village) of Julfa district. T.M. Isgandarov was invited to a conference dedicated to the Day of Biodiversity at the Institute of Natural Resources, spoke about current issues of biodiversity and gave an interview to a domestic television channel.