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A renowned zoologist-scientist passed away

Today, the chief researcher of the "Dry Vertebrates" Laboratory of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS, Doctor of Biological sciences, Associate Professor Sujaddin Mirzababa oglu Guliyev has passed away at the age of 72.

Sujaddin Guliyev was born in 1948 in Narimanovka village of Pushkin region (current Bilasuvar), in 1965 he finished the village-youth school of that village, and in 1971 graduated from the bBlogy faculty of the Azerbaijan State University (current BSU). In 1981 he defended his doctoral thesis on "Bezoar goats and Dagestan tur in Azerbaijan" at the All-Union Institute for Nature Protection and Reserve in Moscow, and in 2015 he defended his doctoral thesis on "Ecology, natural resources, protection and efficient use of wild ungulates in Azerbaijan."

He started his career in 1975 as a laboratory assistant in the "Animal Morphology" Laboratory of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS, in 2003-2016 as the head of the "Dry Vertebrates" Department, and in 2017 as a senior researcher in the "Dry Vertebrates" Laboratory. Throughout his research career, the scientist has identified a number of patterns in the populations of wild ungulates, determined the modern habitats of some species, the structure and composition of populations, annual growth, mortality rate up to 1-2 years, and predicted the number of animals in existing areas. For the first time in Azerbaijan, he comparatively had studied the structure and composition of populations in the provinces, age and sex groupings by seasons. S.Guliyev had proposed two new methods in order to identify and preserve the natural resources of ungulates for many years - "Reproduction of rare and small ungulates in semi-free conditions", "Forecast of the number of large mammals (on the example of ungulates)", for the first time, 3 regularities were identified from the analysis of populations.

The zoologist-scientist had repeatedly delivered scientific lectures at scientific conferences, congresses and symposiums in Azerbaijan and the countries of the former post-Soviet space. The results of the scientist's research are reflected in 6 monographs (one in Azerbaijan, five in Germany), one textbook, 1 manual, 4 booklets and over 110 scientific works.

During his scientific activity, the researcher was awarded the Memorial Medal by the Presidium of the Azerbaijan Nature Protection Society "For active participation in nature protection", Honorary Decrees of the Presidium of ANAS "For special services in the development of zoology in Azerbaijan".

The dear memory of Sujaddin Guliyev, a true intellectual and valuable scientist, who contributed to the science of zoology, will always live in the hearts of those who know him.
Allah rehmet elesin!