1778 Archive


The next online meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology was held

The next online meeting of the scientific council of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS was held on September 14, 2020. The meeting was opened by the acting director of the institute, doctor of biological sciences Elshad Ahmadov and he informed the council members about the issues on the agenda. Then the internal sanitary-epidemiological rules of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS, partial changes among the members of the Scientific Council, the appointment of Gulzar Mustafayeva, doctor of biological sciences, to the position of the head of the “Dry Invertebrates” Laboratory, collection fund of the institute, rules of its organization, protection, and use, results of attestation of doctoral students and dissertators, the results of the certification of the first-year master of the institute Nigar Yolchiyeva and other issues were discussed, certain decisions were made.