Employees of the Institute of Zoology visited the expedition
The expedition was attended by Natalya Snegovaya, Doctor of Biological Sciences, a senior researcher of the Institute of Dry Invertebrates, Gular Huseynzadeh, PhD in Biology, Ellada Huseynova and Ilhama Karimova, senior researchers - PhD in Biology. Employees of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS visited the Absheron peninsula, Khizi, Mingechevir, Agdash, Gakh, Zagatala, Balakan, Astara, Yardimli regions and surrounding areas of the republic in May, June and July.
During the expedition, field observations were made in accordance with scientific research plans, and species belonging to different groups of insects were collected. The obtained materials were handed over to the entomology collection of the institute.
Several species planned to be included in the third edition of the "Red Book" of the Republic of Azerbaijan were registered in the research areas.