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A protocol has been signed between the Institute of Zoology and EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), USA

A protocol of cooperation was signed between the Institute of Zoology of ANAS and the US EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) in June 2019. According to the protocol, outbreaks will be carried out in September to investigate zoonotic diseases in bats spread in Azerbaijan. The project will be implemented with the direct participation of the staff of the Terrestrial Vertebrate Laboratory of the Institute of Zoology and by co-ordination of the doctor of philosophy in biology, expert on bats Nijat Hasanov.

Outdoor works in Azerbaijan are planned for 2019-2021. These studies involve keeping individuals alive with the aim of identifying bats related viruses, removing oral and rectal patches, as well as blood biopsy (DNA sample) and blood samples. Sampling without harm to animals will be carried out in accordance with generally accepted standards, and bats will then be allowed back to nature.

Note that the EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) is a global nonprofit organization that protects wildlife and public health, and was founded in 2017 by the West Asian Brain Research Network (WAB-Net). The EHA has been researching for more than 40 years with local partners in more than 30 countries to improve the emergence of zoonotic diseases and global health.