Vahid Farzaliyev is 50
On May 1, Azerbaijani biologist, director of Central Botanical Garden, doctor of biological sciences Vahid Farzaliyev is 50.
Vahid Sabir oglu Farzaliyev was born on May 1, 1969 in Imamgulubayli village of Aghjabadi district. She entered the Biology faculty of Baku State University in 1991 and since then he has been working at the Botanical Institute's Botanical Garden. V. Farzaliev has been head of the Seed Industry Section, Head of the Tree and Shrub Laboratory, and Deputy Director of the Central Botanical Garden's Scientific Affairs Department, and since 2015 he is the Director.
The scientist defended his PhD thesis on "Bioecological features of some trees and bushes in Absheron, summer and autumn," and in 2005, doctoral thesis on "Variety, bioecological features and economic importance of Azerbaijan's coniferous plants" in 2018.
A scholar is the co-author of 130 scientific papers, including 5 books, 3 dictionaries and 2 catalogs. Two PhDs in biology have been prepared under the guidance of V.Farzaliyev and 2 are on the eve of the defense.
During his leadership, young cadres from the Central Nabat Garden were trained in the United States, Russia, Turkey, Germany, Switzerland, People's Republic of China and other countries.
Congratulations on biologist on the occasion of his 50th jubilee, wish him robust health and success in his life!