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Announced "Young women in science" competition at ANAS

According to the decree of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan on February 5, 2019, the contest "Young women in science" is announced for young female scientists of ANAS.

The competition is held to stimulate the scientific activities of young women conducting scientific research in priority directions for Azerbaijan on current issues of science and to further enhance the role of women in the development of science.

Women scientists of ANAS, aged up to 35, presented by the active and correspondent members of ANAS, as well as scientific councils of the academy's scientific institutions, can take part in the competition.

The following documents must be submitted to the Head Office of Science and Education of the Presidium of ANAS by March 1, 2019:

- Application on behalf of ANAS President;

- presentation on the nomination (detailed information about the candidate and her scientific achievements in the presentation);

- A list of scientific works in the approved form;

- Copy of participation documents in scientific events, competitions, etc.;

- personal information (attached to the form).

The winners will be awarded in accordance with the following procedure:

- I place - 3000 manats;

- II place - 2000 manats;

- III place - 1500 manats.

The results of the competition will be announced on the eve of March 27 - "Science Day".

For more information please contact the Head Office of Science and Education.

Contact: (+994 12) 492 59 45;


Address: Istiglaliyyat str., 30 (room 502), Baku..