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President of Mongolia Academy of Sciences acquainted with the activities of ANAS

Delegation headed by President of Mongolia Academy of Sciences, Duger Regdel visited the High Technologies Park of ANAS.

The guests were informed about the conditions and activities of potential residents created here. Next, was carried out review the oil sections of the industrial sites of LLC "Industrial-Experimental Plant" of ANAS and LLC "Millers-Oils Azərbaycan".

At the meeting with the director of the HTP of ANAS, PhD in agrarian sciences Vugar Babayev, guests were informed about done work in our country in the direction of the development of high technologies based on modern scientific and technological achievements. He noted that, the projects implemented in this area give impetus to the development of a knowledge-based economy and contribute to the expansion of the application of innovations and high technologies in production.

V.Babayev emphasized that, in the scientific structure leading by him, comprehensive measures are being taken to integrate science and business and form the knowledge economy.

Further, academician D.Regdel spoke about the scientific structure leading by him. He noted that, Mongolia Academy of Sciences, established in 1961, conducts research in various fields of science, significant results have been achieved and cooperation links with a number of scientific centers of the world are being established. Academician stressed the need for joint cooperation in expanding the spheres of innovation and high technologies based on modern scientific and technological achievements.