3101 Archive


Employees of the Laboratory of Applied Zoology Center of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS conduct successful experiments

Employees of the Laboratory of Applied Zoology Center of Institute of Zoology of ANAS conduct successful experiments. Employees of the institute conduct research on the pests of vegetable crops and their entomophages grown in the greenhouses in the Aghsu experimental station. Ecologically clean cucumbers grown in greenhouses are specially selected for their taste quality. The main purpose of the research is to minimize chemical methods in the fight against pests of melon cultivated in greenhouse conditions and maximize the use of biological agents to obtain environmentally friendly products. At present, employees of the Center develop biological methods of struggle for the cultivation of environmentally friendly products in parental conditions. As a result of the experiments, more than 2 tons of cucumber were distributed among employees of ANAS, including employees of the Institute.