3248 Archive


Competition announced for the purpose of carrying out postdoctoral studies in Europe by scientists of ANAS

The competition can be attended by scientists working on a thesis for a doctoral degree.

List of required documents for participation in the competition:

- Representative letter of the director of the scientific institution of ANAS on the nomination of a candidate;

- Decision of the Academic Council of the Scientific Institution of ANAS (indicating the degree of preparation of a thesis for a Doctor's degree);

- Letter on the consent of a scientific institution or university in Europe (the period required for research and finance for a given period - indicating the costs of living, insurance and laboratory);

- Copies of diplomas on higher education, academic degree and academic titles of the candidate;

- Autobiography (CV);

- List of scientific works;

- Copy of identity card.

Documents must be submitted to the Office of Science and Education.

Applications are accepted until April 20, 2018.

Tel: (+994 12) 539 30 60;

(+994 12) 492 54 93.