Hajieva Sakina Akhmed gizi

Place of birth

Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan AR, Ordubad 

Date of birth



Azerbaijan State University

Scientific degree

Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, assistant proffessor


Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name




Tiger moths   (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae)  of Azerbaijan

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases



Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD


Basic scientific achievements

In Azerbaijan revealed 51 species of moth belonging to two subfamilies and 26 genera. Of these, 14 species were first marked for the fauna of Azerbaijan. Studied their trophic relations, phenology summer distribution of natural areas, landscape zones , habitats, zoogeographical characteristic . Was one of two research grants performers: 1. " Rare and endangered species of plants and arthropods Girkan National Park " ( 2006-2007 . ) 2 . " Radionuklidon Effect on soil, plants, and arthropods in oil-contaminated soils Absheron " (2009-2012 . ) . The results of these projects have been published booklet and the book received a patent "Method of cleaning soil from radionuclides ." 64 species of  Geometridae was recorded in the Mountainous Shirvan region of Azerbaijan. From them 11 species and 1 subspecies is new to Azerbaijan entomofauna, 2 species were found by us a second time in the Caucasus.

Names of scientific works

1.Ayıcaların (Lepidoptera. Arctiidae) ekoloji uyğunlaşmaları,onların trofiq əlaqələri.AMEA Xəbərlər,2005,5-6,SƏH.101-109

2.Arthropoda of the Hirkan Coridor and Hirkan National Park Red List update. Journal “Status and Protection at Globaly thretened species in the Caucasicus”, Tbilisi, 2009,p.179-182.

3.Влияние радионуклидов на почву,  растения,бeзпозвоночные на нефтегрязненных почвах. Оавторстве с Расулова З.К., Джафаров Э.С. и др.  Брошюра. Баку, 2012 г., Независимая медиа компания R&R, 70 стр.

4.Annotated list of Geometrid moth(Lepidoptera,Geometridae) from the mountaines Shirvan region of Azerbaijan Polish science journal İssue8,Part 1, Warsaw 2018,10 səh. Vidalepp J.

5.Mountoinous- Shirvan Area of Azerbaijan. Turkey ,Artvin, Symposium.18-20 oktobr, 2 səh.

6.The geometer moths (Lepidoptera,Geometridae) from the collection of institute of Zoology of ANAS collected in the Mountainous – Shirvan area. Entomofauna: Zeitschreft Entomologie,40(2), Munchen,2019 oktobr, P.453-463 10 səh.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

"Society of Zoologists Azerbaijan"

Pedagogical activity


Other activities

Member of the "Society of Women of Azerbaijan" completed a full course "Woman Leader" organized by the American Institute of Open Society 

Awards and prizes

Ambassador for peace 

Universal Peace Federation, İnterraligious and İnternasional Federation for World Peace

Main place of work and its address

Institute of Zoology NAS of Azerbaijan Baku, AZ1073, str. A. Abbaszade, drive 1128, kvart.504


Senior Researcher 

Office phone

 (+994 12) 5103887


(+994 55) 574 88 07 

Home phone

(+994 12) 4924398 



