Place of birth | Azerbaijan, Baku | |
Date of birth | 05.07.1954 | |
Education | Baku State University | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Philosophy in Biology | |
Title |
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Topic of PhD thesis: - specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
24.29.01 Parasitology Relationship between sturgeon and their parasites in the Caspian Sea | |
Total number of printed scientific publications:
- number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases - number of scientific publications printed abroad: | 41 13 | |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship |
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Staff training: - number of PhD |
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Basic scientific achievements | ||
Names of scientific works | 1.,Т, К.И.Бунятова. О находке яиц у нематоды Eustrongylides excisusу осетровых Каспийского мор. /Т.К.Микаилов, А.М.Насиров /Паразитология, т. 26, вып. 5, Москва.1992 2.,К.И.Бунятова. Микроморфология тканей нематоды Eustrongylides excisus Jagerskiold, 1909 /А.М.Насиров/ Международная конференция посвящ. 125-летию К.И.Скрябина «Основные достижения и перспективы паразитологии». Москва, 2004 3.,К.И.Бунятова. Микроморфология тканей нематоды Gangyleterakis dispar (Schurank, 1790)./ А.М.Насиров,Н.Ш.Казиев/Материалы съезда Паразитологического общества РАН. Санкт-Петербург, 2009 4 Bunyatova K.I. SOME PECULIARITIES OF THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN STURGEON OF THE CASPIAN SEA AND THEIR PARASITES ./ Nasirov A.M., / Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies .Vol. 5 . p.395-399. 2017. | |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations |
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Pedagogical activity |
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Other activities |
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Awards and prizes |
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Main place of work and its address | AZ1004,str. A.Abbasov, p.1128, bl 504. Baku city, Azerbaijan Republic | |
Position | Senior scientist | |
Office phone | (+994 12) 5397371 | |
Mobile | (+994 50) 5129234 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 4529432 | |
Fax |
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