Place of birth | Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city | |
Date of birth | 26.01.1959 | |
Higher education institution | Azerbaijan State University | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, associate professor | |
Scientific rank |
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Candidacy (PhD) thesis theme:
- specialty code - name of a profession - the title of the topic |
2413.01 Entomology The fertility of the Azerbaijani Halictidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) | |
The total number of published works - number of works published abroad - the number of articles published in journals indexed and indexed in international databases | 55 12 2 | |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship | 1 | |
Staff training: - Number of PhD |
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Main scientific achievements | Investigated the Azerbaijan Halictidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) family, the species composition of arykids (129 sorts of 14 sorts, 14 species), trophic connections, flight phenology, distribution of wildlife in Azerbaijan, biofuels, zoogeographic characteristics. For the 60 species of Azerbaijan fauna and 25 species were mentioned for the first time in the Transcaucasian fauna. The major purifiers of cultural and wild plants have been discovered and their economic significance has been studied. The role of calcareous bees in numerous aggregate and naturally occurring agrochemicals has been determined in the dusting, which can be used to more effectively use arachnids and to address practical issues such as increasing the productivity of agricultural crops. Polluting bees have been studied in Azerbaijan, and practical suggestions have been made for their sowing. He is currently working on the problem of the application of artificial reproduction of lane bees in Azerbaijan and the application of greenhouses. One of the main participants of 2 scientific grants - "Rare and Enduring Hercules and Plants of Hirkan State Reserve" (2006-2007) and "Impact of Radionuclides on Soils, Plants and Invertebrates in Absheron Contaminated Areas" (2009-2012). A booklet and a book was published based on the results of the projects. Based on the results of the last project, a patent on the "Soil Radionuclides Cleanup Method" was obtained. | |
Names of scientific works
| 1.Пчелиные рода Lasioglossum Азербайджана Мат.наун.конф.»Изучение и охрана животного мира», изд.Элм,Баку,1997,стр.177-180 2.Пчелиные рода Nomia в коллекции института Зоологии Азербайджана . в соавт. Алиев Х.А. 3.Аскерзаде Х.З. Известия АН Азерб.серия биол.наук,2000,№ 1,3, стр.57-61 4.Azərbaycanın Halictidae fəsiləsi arılarının trofik əlaqələri. Azərb.EAZoologiya inst.əsərləri,cild 28,Bakı,2006,səh.316-321 5.Arthropoda of the Hirkan Coridor and Hirkan National Park Red List update. Journal “Status and Protection at Globaly thretened species in the Caucasicus”, Tbilisi, 2009,p.179-182. 6.Azərbaycanın halikt arılarının mövsümi aktivliyi və təsərrüfat əhəmiyyəti. M.Ə.Musayevin 80 illiyinə həsr olunmuş elmi konf.mat.,Bakı, 2001,Elm,səh.153-155 7.Arıkimilərin əhəmiyyəti. “Ekoligiya,fəlsəfə,mədəniyyət”jurn., №1,Bakı,2003,səh. 8.Abşeron-Qobustantəbii rayonunda antropogen amillərin təsiri altında entomofaunanın formalaşması. Həmmüəlliflər Atakişiyeva A.M.,Məmmədova T.H. Azərb.zooloqlar cəmiyy.1-ci qurultayının mat.,Bakı,2003,səh.139-143 9.К познанию фауны пчелиных Апшеронского полуострова. В соавт. АлиевХ.А.,Алиев А.В. Кавказский энтомологический бюллетень,том 1,вып.2,Ростов-на Дону,2005,стр.153-157 10.Пчелиные Пиркулинского заплведника. В соавт. АлиевХ.А.,Гамарли В.П. Известия АНАзерб.серия биолог.наук.3-4,Баку,2005,стр.139-143 11.Жалящие перепончатокрылые (Hymenoptera,Apoidea) Исмаиллинского заповедника. В соавт. АлиевХ.А.,Гамарли В.П.Труды Инст.ЗоологииНАНА,том28,Баку2006,стр.77-87 12. Влияние радиации на почву, растения, беспозвоночных на нефтезагрязненных почвах Абшерона . В соавт. Расулова З.К.,Джафаров Э.С. и др., R&R Независимая Медиа Компания, Баку 2012, 70 стр. 13. Mammals and arthropod fauna of the Samur Yalama National Park and Khachmaz coastal state sanctuary. in co-authorship S.M.Guliyev Scholars Research Library, Annals of Biological Research, 2015,6(3):41-47 14. К познанию пчел рода Andrena Fabricius, 1775 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Andrenidae) Азербайджана/ в соавт. Х.А.Алиев, М.Ю.Прощалыкин, М.М.Магеррамов //Кавказский энтомологический бюллетень, 2017, 13(1) , стр. 99-109 | |
Membership of scientific bodies in republican, international and foreign countries | a member of "Azerbaijan Zoological Society" | |
Pedagogical activity |
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Other activity | A member of the board of the Azerbaijan Golden Patch NGO and the secretary of the organization. She has participated in the organization of the Azerbaijan Beekeeping Fairs in the projects implemented in order to improve beekeeping in Azerbaijan, to assist the beekeepers and create beekeeping farms for refugee families. | |
Rewards and prizes | ||
Work place and address
| Institute of Zoology ANAS, black 504, passage 1128, A.Abbaszade str., Baku, AZ1004, Azerbaijan Republic | |
Position | Leading researcher | |
Work tel. | ||
Mobile tel. | +994 55 700 86 77 | |
Home tel. | 012 4924618 | |
Fax | ||