Place of birth | Baku city, Azerbaijan Republic | |
Date of birth | 15.06.1985 | |
Higher education institution | Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Philosophy in Biology | |
Scientific rank | ||
Candidacy (PhD) thesis theme:
- specialty code - name of a profession - the title of the topic |
2429.01 Parasitology "The role of rodents in the spread of coccidia (Apicomplexa, Coccidia), which are the constituents of human opportunistic diseases in urbanized ecosystems" | |
The total number of published works - number of works published abroad - the number of articles published in journals indexed and indexed in international databases | 29 13 3 | |
Main scientific achievements | For the first time, the red-tailed sand mice were recorded for the Cryptosporidium genus, and the mouse for the Isospora genus. For the first time in the gray, there were two previously unknown species of Eimeria and were assigned to the breed by molecular research methods (DNA amplification, PZR and sequencing). Eimeria jerfinica Musaev & Veisov, the oocysts of the 1963 species, which was the parasite of the usual forest mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus L.) for the first time, were discovered in the fecal sample of the field mouse (Apodemus agrarius Pall.). | |
Names of scientific works
| 1. Гурбанова Т.Ф. Изоспоры (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) каменки-плясуньи (Oenanthe isabellina) обитателя полупустыни Гобустанского низкогорья/ ХI международная научная конференцияпаразитологовГрузии,посвященная 100-летию со дня рождения профессора Бориса Курашвили,Тбилиси, 2011, с.80-83 2. Gurbanova T.F., Iskenderova N.H. Detection of Cryptosporidium (Apicomplexa, Sporozoa) in rodents, farm animals and wild birds in Gobustan / 2nd International Meeting on Apicomplexan Parasites in Farm Animals, Kusadasi, 2013, p. 74 3. Гурбанова Т.Ф., Мамедова С.О. К вопросу о видовом составе кокцидий (Sporozoa, Eucoccidiida) серой крысы (Rattus norvegicus) из разных районов Азербайджана // The Journal of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: biology, 2013, Вип. 17, №1056, с. 103-108 4. Гурбанова Т.Ф. Зависимость от некоторых факторов зараженности краснохвостых песчанок (Meriones erythrourus Gray.) эймериями (Eimeriidae, Apicomplexa) в полупустынных зонах Гобустана // AMEA-nın Naxçıvan Bölməsi Xəbərlər, Təbiət və texniki elmlər seriyası, 2014, Cild 10, №2, s. 206-211 5. Qurbanova T.F. Ev siçanlarında (Mus musculus) izosporid quruluşa malik olan oosistaların tapılması haqqında ilkin məlumat // Zoologiya İnstitutunun Əsərləri, 2014, Cild 32, №1, s. 95-99 6. Gurbanova T.F. Towards clarification of the species composition of Eimeria infecting red-tailed gerbil (Meriones libycus) in Azerbaijan / Eleventh International Coccidiosis Conference (ICC-XI), Dresden, 2014, p. 100 7. Gurbanova T.F. Correlation with infection of Cryptosporidium of cattle and sheep and rodents in different ecosystems of Azerbaijan / 3th International Meeting on Apicomplexan Parasites in Farm Animals, Edinburgh, 2015, p.69 8. Гурбанова Т.Ф. Сравнительный анализ зараженности криптоспоридиями (Coccidia, Eimeriida, Cryptosporidium) рогатого скота и грызунов в разных экосистемах Азербайджана // Вестник МГОУ. Серия: Естественные науки , 2015, №4, с. 22-28 9. Qurbanova T.F. Kriptosporidioz niyə təhlükəlidir? / Integration processes of the world science in the 21stcentury, Ganja, 10-14 October, 2016, pp 129-131 10. Gurbanova T.F. The role of rodents in the distribution of the opportunistic human pathogens Coccidia (Apicomplexa, Coccidia) in urban ecosystems / 3rd International and 10th National Congress of Parasitology& Parasitic Diseases of Iran (NICOPA10), Shiraz, 1-3 November, 2017 | |
Work place and address
| Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Zoology AZ 1073, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city, Str. A.Abbaszadeh, 1128th side street, 504th block | |
Position | Senior researcher | |
Work tel. | +994 12 539 73 71 | |
Mobile tel. | +99450 518 47 46 | |
Home tel. | ||
Fax | ||