Place of birth

Armenian SSR

Amasya region, Yeniyoleldy

Date of birth


Higher education institution

Azerbaijan State University 

Scientific degree

PhD in Biology

Scientific rank

Candidacy (PhD) thesis theme:

- specialty code

- name of a profession

- the title of the topic



"Acoustic and terrestrial behavior of birds during nesting"

The total number of published works

- number of works published abroad

-  the number of articles published in journals indexed and indexed in international databases





Staff training:

-          Number of PhD

Main scientific achievements

The important role of ethological factors in the life of insectivorous birds was elucidated, which makes it possible to use them in the biological fight against pests in forests and agriculture.

Names of scientific works

  1. H.Ş.Muxtarov, M.Ə.Əliyev Heydər Əliyev Beynəlxalq aeroportunun ornitofaunası və quşların təyyarılırlı toqquşmasının qarşısının alınması tədbirləri. Azərbaycan Zooloqlar Cəmiyyə.tinin əsərləri. C.5, N 1., Bakı, 2013, s. 30-34
  2. H.Ş.Muxtarov, R.Ə.Hüseynov Xəzərdə antropogen təsirlər nəticəsində yaranmış ekoloji fövqəladə vəziyyətin onun eko-bioloji və ornitokompleksinə təsiri xüsusiyyətləri. “Dəniz nəqliyyatında innovative texnologiyalar”. X Beynəlxalq elmi-texniki konfrans. Bakı. 2015. S.66-71
  3. İ.R.Babayev, H.Ş.Muxtarov, R.Ə.Hüseynov Number density, dynamics, concentration places and status of species from the genera diving ducks

Membership of scientific bodies in republican, international and foreign countries

 A member of Azerbaijan Zoological Society

Pedagogical activity

1992-1996 - "Baku European Lyceum", "Zangi" Lyceum

2002-2007 - director of the secondary school No. 10, Baku.

2009-2016-chief teacher at the Academy of  the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Other activity


Rewards and prizes

awarded the Jubilee Medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan in connection with the 10th (2005-2015) anniversary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Work place and address


AZ 1004, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city, Str. A.Abbaszadeh, 1128th side street, 504th block


Leading Researcher

Work tel.

Mobile tel.

(+994 50) 33474 61 

Home tel.

(+994 12) 3238051 


