Place of birth | Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan | |
Date of birth | 16.07.73 | |
Education | Azerbaijan State Medical University | |
Scientific degree | PhD | |
Title | Associate professor | |
Topic of PhD thesis: - specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
2406.02 biochemistry «Activation of qlutamatdehydrogenaze, aspartat and alaninaminotransferaze enzimes in «parazite-host» system durinq eimeriosis(E.tenella) and treatment of poultries»
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Total number of printed scientific publications: - number of scientific publications printed abroad: - number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | 27 6 1 | |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship |
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Staff training: - number of PhD |
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Basic scientific achievements | In chickens of rock White Plymouth, local black and speckled is found the change of liver enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids for eimeriosis . It was found that local black and speckled breed chickens are more resistant to eimeriosis. For the first time it was established that there is an aminoacid triptofan, enzymes qlutamatdehydrogenase, aspartat and alaninaminotransferase in the proteins of oocysts of E. tenella parasite. | |
Names of scientific works | 1.Вiochemistry xarakteristik of coccidia (Apicomplexa, Coccidia).// ХИИИ Ulusal konqress.-İstanbul,1997, p. 519-626. 2. Glutamate dehydrogehase, alanine- and aspartate aminotransferase of E. tenella (Apicomplexa, Coccidia) oocysts and effect of amino acids alkyl derivatives on their aktivities// International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences, Turkey, 2007, 25-27. 3. Study of the impakt of environmental pollution (oil) for products of life activiti of honeybees (Apis Melliferа L. Caucasica) by method of qas hromatoqraphy.// Vesnik ZSU (Ukraine), 2012, №2, p. 35-40. 4. Influence of γ- radiations on products of life activiti of honeybees (Apis Melliferа L. Caucasica).// Vesnik ZSU (Ukraine), 2012, №3, p. 35-40. | |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations |
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Pedagogical activity |
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Other activities |
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Awards and prizes |
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Main place of work and its address | Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan AZ1073, Azerbaijan, Baku, bloc 1128, kv. 504 | |
Position | Leading researcher | |
Office phone |
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Mobile | (+994 55) 7200832 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 5645214 | |
Fax |
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