1342 Archive

2021.06.30 15:43

Institute of Zoology to hold a doctoral exam on the spring session

According to the letter No. 01-6 / 423 dated June 3, 2021 addressed by the Academician-Secretary of ANAS acad. Arif Hashimov to the heads of scientific institutions of ANAS concerning the reception of doctoral examinations in specialty (Zoology - 2401.01) and (Parasitology - 2429.01), a commission has been established at the institute.
It has been intended to hold doctoral exam on the specialty "Zoology" -2401.01 Shukurova Zarintaj Yusif gizi, the dissertator of the Institute of Zoology and its holding on July 1, 2021 at 11am, as well as the doctoral exam on the specialty "Parasitology" - 2429.01 by Sultanova Yegana Aligulu gizi, the dissertator of the Scientific Research Institute of Medical Prevention named after V.Y.Akhundov and its holding on July 2, 2021 at 11am at the Institute of Zoology.