Guseynov Mair Ali oglu

Place of birth

Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city


Date of birth



Baky State University 

Scientific degree

Doktor of Biological Sciences, assistant professor


Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name




“Protozoan blood parasites of fish and amphibian of the Lesser Kyzylagach bay and Divichi firth of the Caspian Sea. 

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name




“Protozoan blood parasites of fish, amphibia and aquatic reptiles of Azerbaijan (fauna, taxonomy, ecology and biology)” 

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases






Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

-         number of  Doctor of sciences 


Basic scientific achievements

From 1984 to 2008 3417 samples of fish belonging to 10 families, 38 species; 833 samples of amphibia of 3 species; 33 samples of the turtle Emis orbicularis; 16 samples of the dice snake (Natrix tesselata) and 503 samples of leeches of 2 species were examined for protozoan blood parasites. In the blood of the examined animals 21 species of the blood parasites were found of which 14 species belonged to the Trypanosoma, 4 – to the gender Cryptobia, 1 – to the gender Hepatozoon, 1 – to the gender Haemogregarina, and 1- to the gender Filaria.

The process of multiple division (schizogony) of Trypanosoma carassii and Trypanosoma neveulemairei in the organism of the leech Hemiclepsis marginata was followed up.

Names of scientific works

1. K.Kh. Khaibulaev, M.A.Guseynov. A study of the development of Trypanosomes and Cryptobiae of carp and tench in Piscicola geometra. // J. «Parazitology», vol. XIX, № 1, 1985, p. 75-77.

2. M.A.Guseynov. Two new species of the Trypanosoma from the blood of Rana ridibunda found in the Caspian Sea. // J. «Parazitology», vol. 22, № 6, 1988, з. 506-508.

3. S.Y. Utevsky, A.I. Zinenko, A.A. Atemasov, M.A. Guseynov, O.M.Utevska and A.Y.Utevsky.

New information on the distribution of the medicinal leech (genus Hirudo) in the Iberian Peninsula, the Caucasus and Central Asia. // Lauterbornia 65: D-86424 Dinkelscherben, 2008-11-15, p. 119-130.

4. M.A.Guseynov. The study of the life cycle of Trypanosoma neveulemaire Brumpt, 1928 the blood parasite of the marsh frog in the organism Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas) of the leech Hemiclepsis marginata. // The journal “Vestnik” of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National university, № 971, issue 14, 2011, p. 103-111.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations


Pedagogical activity


Other activities

Member of advisory board of the journal “Vestnik” of Zaporozhye National University, Ukrayna 

Awards and prizes


Main place of work and its address

Institute  of  Zoology of  ANAS, AZ1004, A.Abbaszede str., block 504, passage 1128, Baku,  Azerrbajan 


Principal researcher 

Office phone

(+994 12) 5397173 


(+994 50) 3294783 

Home phone

(+994 12) 4937468 


