I. Specialty formula:

2413.01- The completed works on methods, results and usage of entomological researches are approved to defense in the Dissertation Council to receive an academic degree on the specialty of Entomology.

II. Research areas:

1.        The origin and evolution of insects (based on comparative anatomy and morphology).

2.        Fauna, taxonomy, ecology and ethology of insects.

3.         Morphology of insects (including anatomy, embryology and etc.)

4.        The insect world and quantitative and qualitative indicators, their comparative analysis of its separate groups. 

5.        The geographical distribution of insects, its geological history, environmental, anthropogenic and other factors.

6.        Seasonal events occurring in the lifetime of insects (migration, hibernation, diapauses, breeding and biorythmics).

7.        Relationships of insects in areal expansion, nourishment and reproduction and interactions among them.

8.        The environmental impact of insects and its optimizing, protecting beneficial insects, improving and rationalizing fight against harmful insects.

9.        The impact of national economy and contaminated environmental conditions, technical progress on the world of insects.

10.    Characteristics of separate taxons of insects and their environmental groups.

11.    Identifying nature reserve of insects and predicting its use.

12.    Characteristic features of insects, living in various environmental conditions (soil, land, trees and etc.), their homologous and similar indicators, nature reserve and rationalization of its use.

13.    Comparative research of the world of insects in various stages of anthropogenic changing of the landscape (natural area, modified area, transformed area).

14.    Acclimatization, introduction of insects and their consequences.

15.    Preparation and development of biotechnological measures in rational use of nature reserve of insects.

16.    The importance of reserves, protected areas and areas, which are kept under control in keeping natural complexes of insects and their living conditions.

17.    Behavioral and communication systems of insects and their management mechanisms.

18.    Populations of insects, their types, structures, dynamics.

19.     Preparation and development of the entomological research methods (experimental researches, field researches, numerical techniques, cadastral surveys, physiological, biochemical, histological and etc. researches).

20.    The role of fauna, its separate taxons, intraspecific groups, entomocenoses and etc. in the formation of entomological knowledge, information on their living and succession mechanisms, the impact of abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors on them.

21.    The role of beneficial insects in regulation of predators and pests.