Ludmila Yevgenyevna Rubtsova

Place of birth

Azerbaijan, Baku City


Date of birth



Azerbaijan State University

Scientific degree

Ph.D in Biological Science, assistant professor                     



Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



Host relations of the nematode Neoaplectana carpocapsae and cotton worm and possibility of application its nematode as agent of biomethod.

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-         number of scientific publications printed abroad

-         number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases






Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:

-         number of  PhDs


Basic scientific achievements

The possibility of using entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema carpocapsae, S. feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora in biological control against the main pests of agricultural crops in Azerbaijan (cotton bollworm, Colorado potato beetle, American American butterfly, cabbage white beetle, etc.) has been explored for the first time in Azerbaijan. The possibility of using these nematodes against the Colorado potato beetle, cotton and rodent, white American butterfly, cabbage butterfly, leaf beetles was studied both in laboratory and in field. The mortality rate of these pests in laboratory ranged from 40 to 90%. Meanwhile, the use of the nematodes S. carpocapsa against the pupae of the cotton bollworm in field led to the death of 40-56% of the pests.

It was discovered during 24 and 48 hours exposure of S. feltiae and S. carpocapsae in some insecticides used against the Colorado potato beetle, the survival rate of nematodes was 24.4 - 98.8%. It has been established that under laboratory conditions the entomopathogenic nematode S. feltiae can reproduce in an artificial environment, for example, Pedigree dog food. Based on the study of Colorado potato beetle natural populations, we came to the conclusion that new, Azerbaijani ecotype of the Colorado potato beetle has been found in Azerbaijan within its distribution area. For the first time in Azerbaijan, the larvae of entomopathogenic nematodes belonging to the family Mermithidae and the genus Hexamermis sp. were found in terrestrial insects, namely in the imago of the Colorado potato beetle, which in the future can be a significant biocenotic factor in controlling the abundance and harmfulness of the Colorado potato beetle on the farms of the Azerbaijan Republic.

The parasitology situation, the viral invasions spread and their connection with the ecological conditions and health situation of the honeybee habitation in Azerbaijan had been studied.

Varroa destructor, Acarapis woodi, Ascosphera  apis, American and European foulbrood had been detected by the field diagnostics methods.  

For the first time in Azerbaijan, the Nosema   ceranae (possibly forced out the Nosema apis) with 20% - 46,7% of extensiveness had been diagnosed by the PCR method.

For the first time in Azerbaijan, the BQCV (black queen cell virus), the DWV (wing deformation virus), the CBPV (chronic paralysis virus) and iflaviruses (the KBV – Kashmirian virus or the IАPV –Israelian paralysis virus) had been diagnosed by the PCR method.   The samples of honey detected: Diazinon in concentration from 0,496 mg/kg to 0,476 mg/kg; HCHs- alpha in concentration from 0,00002 mg/kg to 0,0012 mg/kg; HCB in concentration from 0,00064 mg/kg;  tetracycline in doses from 0,009 to 2,00 mg/kg. The samples honey pollution by tetracycline is exceed the permission norms in 3-22 times depending on place of samples collection. Revealed, that the presence of medicines in the permissible doses doesn’t especially influence on the vital activity of bees.          The accumulation of insectides in the beehive in most cases doesn’t exceed the permissible concentrations or only traces of them has found.

Revealed, that the gradual accumulation of different deleterious factors (inside-of-hive, anthropogenic, climatic) has precede the mass death or flight of bees. The most serious influence factors are the parasites and viruses on the extreme weather conditions background. The flight has detected in the active periods on the apiaries where several viruses, N.cerana, varroa mites are present on the extreme weather conditions background.

Names of scientific works

1. Рубцова Л.Е. 1984. Опыты по заражению гусениц хлопковой совки нематодой Neoaplectana carpocapsae в лабораторных и полевых условиях.//Исслед. по гельминтол. в Аз-не, Баку, 82-83.

2. Рубцова Л.Е. 1986. Поисковая реакция нематоды Neoaplectana carpocapsae в почве.// Изв. АН Азерб.ССР, №5, 46-52.

3. Рубцова Л.Е. 1995. Изменение уровня гемоцитов в гемолимфе чешуекрылых под воздействием паразитизма энтомопатогенной нематоды Neoaplectana carpocapsae// Изв. АН Азерб.ССР, №3, 38-43.

4. Рубцова Л.Е. 1996. Влияние электрического поля и уровня и уровня освещённости на поведенческие реакции нематоды Neoaplectana carpocapsae.// Изв. АН Азерб.ССР, №1, 27-32.

5. Рубцова Л.Е. 2008. Сравнительное изучение патогенности двух штаммов нематоды Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser, 1955) («agriotos» и DD-136) при заражении личинок колорадского жука в лабораторных условиях. .// Proc. of Azerb.Sos. of Zool., Vol I, 358 -362.

6. Рубцова Л.Е. 2009. Изучение восприимчивости личинок колорадского жука Leptinotarsa desemlineata Say к энтомопатогенной нематоде Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar 1975.//Кавказский энтомологический бюллетень, том,5 вып. 1, стр.,133 – 136. Ростов – Москва.

7. Рубцова Л.Е., Ханбекова Е.М. 2010. Энтомопатогенная нематода Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar 1975 как биологический инсектицид в контроле над насекомыми// Proc. of Azerb.Sos. of Zool., Vol II, 488 – 496.

8. Ханбекова Е.М., Рубцова Л.Е. 2010. Сезонная динамика развития APIS MELLIFERA CAUCASICA и проявления коллапса пчелиных семей на Большом Кавказе в Азербайджане. //Proc. of Azerb.Sos. of Zool., Vol II, 324 – 330

9. Ханбекова Е.М., Рубцова Л.Е.2011. Всемирная проблема «коллапса пчелиных семей» и его проявление в Азербайджане.// Proc. of Azerb.Sos. of Zool., Vol III, 472 – 478

10. Ханбекова Е.М., Рубцова Л.Е. 2012. Возможность использования прополиса в регуляции численности колорадского жука Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say. 1824). Azerb. Resp. Azerbaycan zooloqlar cəmiyyətinin Əsərləri, cild 4, N 2, 171 – 176



Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

1. Azerbaijan Society of Zoologists.

2. International federation of beekeepers’ associations “Apimondia”.


Pedagogical activity



Other activities

Federation of  beekeeping organizations “Apislavia”.

Participation at international scientific congresses, conferences, colloquiums and symposiums in different countries.

Awards and prizes


Main place of work and its address

The Institute of Zoology of the National Science Academy of Azerbaijan; Abbaszadeh street 1128, block 504, AZE 1073, Baku, Azerbaijan


Leading researcher 

Office phone

+ 994 12 502 73 71


+994 50 895 77 10




